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Blog /Wisdom Panel Behavior Insights
Pet Behavior September 30, 2024

Decode your dog's personality with Wisdom Panel's new Behaviours feature

Discover the genetic links influencing behavioural traits like separation anxiety, motion sickness, sleeping habits, and sociability.

How often have you started an online search with "Why does my dog [fill in the blank]"? Anyone who shares their life with a dog knows it can be hard to understand why their pup does what they do. In fact, if there’s one superpower pet parents wish they could have, it would probably be the ability to read their pet’s mind.

Wisdom Panel’s new Behaviours feature—a first-of-its-kind offering—gives pet parents an unprecedented ability to know their dog on a deeper level.

The science behind our behaviour insights

After analysing Wisdom Panel’s database of over 4.5 million pets, 1.5 million veterinary medical records, and 200,000 survey responses from pet parents, our team of scientists identified genetic links to fifteen behavioral traits. Rather than using a single genetic variant per test, Wisdom Panel Behaviours uses complex statistical models that rely on hundreds of genetic variants and breed ancestry proportions for each behavior included in our tests. 

With these new behaviour insights, pet parents can understand the genetic links that influence certain tendencies and predispositions, including:

  • Nesting 
  • Crossing paws 
  • General fear and anxiety 
  • Splooting 
  • Propensity to gain weight 
  • Pointing 
  • Avoids getting wet 
  • Friendly towards strangers 
  • Hesitant toward strangers 
  • Anal sacs need expression 
  • Reverse sneezing 
  • Motion sickness 
  • Panting 
  • Sleeps on back 
  • Separation anxiety
Photo of a dog licking a woman and a sample behaviour insights report displayed on a mobile phone.

Understanding behaviour: nature vs nurture

A dog’s genetics form the foundation for certain behaviours but aren’t the only factor influencing their tendencies or how they respond in different situations. The environment and experiences they have also shape their personality. And that’s good news for pet parents. This means that while the DNA their dogs are born with is set in stone, pet parents’ choices about the home and lifestyle they provide for their pups can change and flex to meet their dog’s needs.

In other words, armed with the knowledge of their dog’s nature, pet parents can adapt how they nurture. For example, if you know your dog has a genetic likelihood of developing separation anxiety, you can take proactive steps to help them feel calm and confident when left home alone. Or if they are predisposed to being hesitant when meeting new people, you can ease them into new social situations to help reduce their stranger danger.

How behaviour insights can help pet parents deliver better care

Wisdom Panel’s behaviour insights empower pet parents to make more informed decisions about their dog’s care. By having the tools needed to understand the factors influencing their dog’s likelihood of developing certain behaviours, pet parents can:

  • Create training plans that are specific to their dog’s genetic and breed-based predispositions
  • Anticipate potential behavioral issues and address them proactively—before they escalate
  • Personalise care based on their dog’s unique genetics

Final thoughts

At Wisdom Panel, we often say, "Dogs can’t talk, but their DNA can." Our new behaviour insights are the latest innovative feature allowing pet parents to use genetics to understand their dog on a whole new level.

Discover behaviour insights

Decode your pup's unique quirks with Wisdom Panel.